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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Acid Reflux...

For no reason - all the time - it's burning my throat - it leaves a yucky taste in my mouth - it takes away from the taste of food I want - it's ruling my day - it's RUINING my life.....

I dislike this element of pregnancy - VERY MUCH.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Less Than 100 Days to Go!

26 weeks today! So SUPER excited!
We have been working on the nursery....  here's a picture...
It is quite a deviation on what I planned to do on this wall {see design board on previous post}, but I painted this design., very carefully, with the help of blue tape.  Touch ups have been done, but I didn't take a picture yet. 


I took a picture of myself last week, at 25 weeks....  here ya go...
I didn't include my face, so you couldn't see the amount of pain I am in having to take a picture of myself....


Shower planning is officially going on...  Invitations have been mailed out or are being mailed out soon.  The date for the Wichita Falls shower has changed - Nov 13 at 4pm.  Details arriving in your snail mail box! If you feel that you've been missed..  contact someone from that party's planning group {see previous post}.


I do NOT have Gestational Diabetes.  I never, ever, want to take that 3 Hour Glucose Tolerance Test again! The sugar juice was AWFUL - equivalent to 34 starburst, for breakfast, after not eating for 12 hours, after carb loading for 3 days, before not being able to eat for 3 more hours - Yuck.  The 4 sticks to my veins AWFUL - one hole sits for an hour, just long enough to bruise up, gets another poke, then do the same to the other arm, then pick up your heavy stack of books and magazines you've used keep yourself busy all morning - Yuck!

Luv you all!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Outfit...

Gave the blog a new outfit today....

I'm sure there are a few of you out there who didn't get to see the owls... but that just means you weren't keeping up!

Fall is coming soon, and many of my other blogging friends changed to fall themed backgrounds... so I must stay up to date.

I did manage to keep an owl for motif purposes...


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Still a Papaya..... 24 weeks

So... I read multiple sites and my book chapters every Tuesday {or Monday nite if I'm impatient}...
They have disagreements in the fruit comparison....

My ticker, from TheBump.com indicates that The Bun is still the size of a Papaya.... we crave variety...  but none the less, its the ticker I have...

Babycenter.com indicates that The Bun is now the length of an ear of corn... about 12 inches long... I have lifted this image from their site for reference...
There also seems to be discrepancies between what weeks equal what months...  All this is becauase a pregnancy is 40 weeks, and based on the luteal calendar, equally 10 luteal months, not the 9 mths everyone always refers to {the biggest lie told from woman to woman, I must say - why is this?}. Basically there are not just 4 full weeks in a month, according to the calender we live by.. so all this very confusing.... you can't just take the weeks and divide by 4 to get the month.... even then, I have to complete a month before I can BE that many months pregnant....

So.... for as much my education and entertainment as yours... I have found this handy chart... on www.baby2see.com

1 - 4
5 - 8
9 - 13
14 - 17
18 - 21
22 - 26
27 - 30
31 - 35
36 - 40
are you in?
You are
in your
You are
in your
You are
in your
You are
in your
You are
in your
You are
in your
You are
in your
You are
in your
You are
in your
This is

They offer the following example...

in Week 15  =  you are in your 4th Month    and    Month 4 is in your Second Trimester

[ So - You have completed three months  and  are now into your fourth month ]

Think like your age:-   You are 28 and have completed 28 years, you are in your 29th year.

In conclusion, {I'm a dork, yes, i know}..... At Week 24, I am in my 6th Month and month 6 is in my Second Trimester. I have completed five months and am on my way to completing my sixth month. 
You can go from my due date {Jan 4, 2011 - which is relative if you ask me} and count backwards to the 4th of every month until you get to today.... that comes out to be that I have just about 3 3/4 months left to go!!!

Man oh man, are the next three months going to go fast! Showers, doctors appointments, holidays, working on the nursery.... whew... 

I guess everyone wants to know how we are doing too... We are good... he's moving around all the time, kicking and punching....  I'm making it through all the weirdness of pregnancy {this is a very odd experience, btw}.. Ryan is getting exited and protective and all kinds of emotions and thoughts that aren't typical for MY DeWitt man {he's normally very neutral}.   Overall, we are excited to be parents and get the party started!  I like a challenge and I like doing new things in life with Ryan... so this is right up our alley.  We are ready to try out our parenting choices and to make mistakes and to see triumphs.... 

Love you all!!